International Presidents' Forum | JIA CONVENTION 2024 BEPPU on Friday, November 29th
Updated: Nov 25, 2024
国際委員会はJIA建築家大会別府のプログラムとして、International Presidents’ Forum(IPF)を開催します。JIAの海外提携協会、ARCASIA(アジア建築家評議会)、AIA(アメリカ建築家協会)、ASA(タイ王立建築家協会)、KIRA(大韓建築士協会)、KIA(韓国建築家協会)、SIA(シンガポール建築家協会)、AIA Japan(アメリカ建築家協会日本支部)の代表が集まり、今の建築家を取り巻くさまざまな問題を議論します。今年は、「建築家の調達方法」について議論が予定されています。
Ar. AHMAD Saifuddin, ARCASIA President
Ar. WOODS Lakisha, AIA CEO
Ar. SUKHYANGA Asae, ASA President
Ar. KIM Jaerok, KIRA President
Ar. KANG Chul Hee, KIA Honorary President
Ar. TAN Melvin, SIA President
Ar. SATO Naomi, JIA President
Ar. CHIKUBA Daiji, Chair, International Relations Committee, JIA
1-1. In your country, is the selection of an architect for a public building determined solely by the
lowest bid?
1-2. If architects are selected solely on the basis of low design fees, please let us know to what
extent this is customary in your country.
2-1. Are there any laws in your country regarding the selection of architects for public buildings?
2-2. Please provide the name of the law, if any, and the year it was enacted.
3-1. Please provide any additional explanations you can provide regarding the selection of
designers for public buildings in addition to the answers above. For example, provision of
opportunities for young architects, movements to improve procurement of architects, or how to
set up standards of selection of architects.
JIA建築家大会 2024 別府: