EAST-EAST 5 | Lithuania-Japan Architectural Event
Updated: Jul 8, 2022
“EAST-EAST”は、リトアニアと日本の間の建築家・建築学生の交流の基礎を築くことを目的に始まり、これまでの参加建築家は日本側で50組以上にのぼります。“EAST-EAST 5”は、コロナ禍により大きく変化した両国の建築家の意識を共有すると共に若い世代の建築家にバトンをつなぎ、20年にわたる両国建築界の交流を未来へ引き継ぐことを目的としています。UIA加盟団体として日本の建築設計界を代表するJIAが、若手建築家を中心とし未来に向けたテーマを掲げた国際的イベントを主導してまいります。
【EAST-EAST 5 開催概要】
メインテーマ: RECOVERY(リカバリー)
会期:2022年9月23日(金)~26日(月) 展覧会は10月22日(土)までを予定
会場:リトアニア共和国カウナス市 National Centre of Architecture(旧カウナス郵便局)ほか
展覧会 :“Recipe for Recovery“(回復のレシピ)
学生ワークショップ:“Play Earth”(地球と遊ぶ)
公開フォーラム :(仮)“Bridging”(ブリッジング)
主催(共催) :リトアニア建築家協会、(公社)日本建築家協会
後援 :駐日リトアニア共和国大使館、(社)日本建築学会、(公社)日本建築士会連合会、(社)日本建築士事務所協会連合会、(社)日本建設業連合会、(財)日本建築センター、(公財)建築技術者教育普及センター
Jul 21, 2022 学生WS参加者の募集は締め切りました。多くのご応募をありがとうございました。
Aug 10,2022 「後援(依頼中)」の表記を「後援」としました。
Aug 31,2022 「EAST-EAST5」カウナス建築フェスティバルのウェブサイトが公開されました 。
JIA’s Architects of the New Generation to Hold “EAST-EAST 5”, Lithuania-Japan Architects’ Exchange Event in Lithuania to be held in Kaunas, Lithuania in September 2022
Lithuania is located in the east of Europe and Japan, in the east of Asia. “EAST-EAST”, an international exchange for architects and architecture students from the two countries, has been held four times since its inception in 2002, jointly organized by the Architects Association of Lithuania (LAS) and the Japan Institute of Architects (JIA). “EAST-EAST 5” will be held in conjunction with the “European Capital of Culture 2022” and the “Kaunas Architecture Festival 2022” in Kaunas, Lithuania, under the main theme of “RECOVERY”. JIA will send young architects, architecture students and a keynote speaker to participate in the exhibition, the students’ workshop and public forum by the architects both countries.
“EAST-EAST” started with the aim of laying the foundation for exchange of architects and architecture students between Lithuania and Japan, and more than 50 architects have participated so far on from Japan. “EAST-EAST 5” aims to share the awareness of architects in both countries, which has greatly changed due to the COVID-19, and to pass the baton to the new generation of architects, and to carry on the 20 years of exchange between the architectural communities of the two countries into the future. JIA, which represents the Japanese architectural community in the International Union of Architects (UIA), will lead this international event with a theme for the future, with a focus on the new generation of Japanese architects.
Main Theme: RECOVERY
Dates: September 23 (Fri) – 26 (Mon), 2022 (exhibition will run until October 22 (Sat), 2022)
Venue: National Centre of Architecture (former Kaunas Post Office), Kaunas, Lithuania, etc.
Exhibition: “Recipe for Recovery”
Students’ workshop: “Play Earth”
Public Forum: (Tentative)”Bridging”
Director General: George Kunihiro (1951-)
Architects: Osamu Nishida (Director/1976-), Kei Kaihoh (Workshop Director/1982-), Kozo Kadowaki (1977-), Tsuyoshi Tane (1979-), Eri Tsugawa (1989-), Kenichi Teramoto (1974-), Miho Tominaga (1988-), Fuminori Nosaku (1982-), Shingo Masuda (1982-), Suzuko Yamada (1984-) Yasutaka Yoshimura (1972-)
Curator: Shinichi Kawakatsu (1983-)
Keynote: Kengo Kuma (1954-)
Organizer (Co-organizer) : the Architects Association of Lithuania (LAS), the Japan Institute of Architects (JIA)
Supporting Organization: Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Japan, Architectural Institute of Japan, Japan Federation of Architects & Building Engineers Associations, Japan Association of Architectural Firms, Japan Federation of Construction Contractors, The Building Center of Japan, The Japan Architectural Education and Information Center
Cooperation: Kaunas University of Technology
(European Capital of Culture 2022, Kaunas Architecture Festival 2022, 30th EU-Japan Fest Support Project, Lithuanian Council for Culture Support Project, Lithuania-Japan Friendship 100th Anniversary related events)