Report | ASA National Convention 2023, Bangkok, Thailand _ FUJINUMA Masaru
Updated: Jul 21, 2023
2023年4月25日から30日、ASA(Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage:タイ王立建築家協会)のNational Conventionが開催され、JIAからは佐藤尚巳会長、竹馬大二国際委員長、藤沼傑国際委員の3名が参加しました。この大会では、佐藤尚巳JIA会長がChana Sumpalung ASA会長からASAの名誉会員賞を授与されました。
ASAの大会は毎年、タイ国の正月であるソンクランの後4月後半に大会と建材展とを同時開催しています。会場はバンコク市中心部から車で30分程度の旧国際空港ドンムアンの近くにある「Impact」、展示可能面積14万㎡を誇るアジアでは最大規模のコンベンション施設です。会場の主要な場所には建築賞受賞作品のパネルや模型が展示され、多数のセミナーが催されていたほか、国際セッションとしてGensler のシンガポール所長Angela Spathonis、シンガポールのWong Mun Summ、オーストラリアのランドスケープアーキテクトDamian Thompson、オーストリアのJacob Dunklらが講演していました。
建材展「Architect 23」(BuildingやArchitectureではない名称にASAのこだわりを感じます)には毎年800社以上が出展し、30万―40万人が来場します。建築学科の卒業制作や、各設計事務所のパネル・模型なども展示されていました。今年のテーマは、Tum Tad: Time of Togetherness(共にいるとき)で、タイの建築関連団体5会の初の共同開催でした。
ASA(Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage:タイ王立建築家協会)
ACT(Architectural Council of Thailand:タイの建築士資格認定団体で日本の建築技術教育普及センターと建築士会の機能を担う)
TIDA(Thailand Interior Design Association:インテリアデザイン協会)
TALA(Thai Association of Landscape Architects)
TUDA(Thai Urban Designers Association)
建材展に出展していた日系企業はマキタ、東芝LED, リンナイ、エプソン、キャノン、TOSTEM、YKKAP、AICA、コクヨなど。フクビや畳など日系建材を扱う現地商社も見られました。マキタは大きなブースで出展しており、充電式工具として圧倒的な信頼を築いているようで大会の主要なスポンサーとなっていました。しかし、会場の殆どが中国企業となっており建材展をほぼ独占している様子でした。タイでは法改正により中国企業が土地を所有し工場生産をできるようにしたことで、特殊で高品質な建物では、かつての日系ゼネコン・日系建材の時代から、韓国の時代を経て、現在は中国の建材を使用するのか一般的になっているとのことでした。その一例として、バンコクの「Apple Central World」(2020年、設計監修:Foster + Partners、円形の全面ガラス張りで透明感のある建築作品)では、ガラス等すべてが中国からの調達で、納期も早く正確だったとのお話をタイ最大手の設計事務所A49(本プロジェクトのローカルアーキテクトを務めた)から伺いました。このような状況を知り、日本とタイとの関係を維持するためのあらゆる方策が必要だと実感しました。
(JIA国際委員 藤沼傑)
From 25 to 30 April 2023, the National Convention of the ASA (Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage) was held. JIA President SATO Naomi, International Relations Committee Chairperson CHIKUBA Daiji and International Relations Committee Member FUJINUMA Masaru participated from JIA. At the convention, JIA President SATO Naomi was presented with the ASA’s Honorary Member Award by ASA President Chana Sumpalung.
The ASA convention is held every year in the second half of April after Songkran, the Thai New Year, when the convention and building materials exhibition are held simultaneously. The venue is Impact, located near the former international airport Don Mueang, about 30 minutes’ drive from central Bangkok, and is one of the largest convention facilities in Asia, boasting 140,000 m2 of exhibition space. Panels and models of award-winning architectural works were displayed in key areas of the venue and numerous seminars were held, as well as international sessions featuring Gensler’s Singapore director Angela Spathonis, Singapore’s Wong Mun Summ, Australian landscape architect Damian Thompson, Australian landscape architect, and Jacob Dunkl from Austria.
Under the royal patronage, this ASA event is opened each year by Her Royal Highness Princess Sirindhorn. Princess Sirindhorn, born in 1955, is the sister of the current King Wachirarongkorn (Rama X) and is one of the favorite member of the royal family by the Thai people for her deep understanding and support of Thai culture. She participates enthusiastically in each event, always taking notes during the visit. A large monitor at the venue showed her enthusiastically taking notes and listening to explanations.
The building materials exhibition ‘Architect 23’(this name that use “architect” implies ASA commitment to architects) attracts more than 800 exhibitors and 300,000-400,000 visitors every year. There were also exhibits of graduation projects from school of architecture, as well as panels and models from various design firms. This year’s theme was Tum Tad: Time of Togetherness, and it was the first time that five architecture-related associations in Thailand had jointly organised the event.
*5 Association of Thai Building Associations:
ASA (Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage: Royal Thai Institute of Architects)
ACT (Architectural Council of Thailand)
TIDA (Thailand Interior Design Association)
TALA (Thai Association of Landscape Architects)
TUDA (Thai Urban Designers Association)
Japanese companies exhibiting at the building materials exhibition included Makita, Toshiba LED, Rinnai, Epson, Canon, TOSTEM, YKKAP, AICA, Kokuyo and some others. Local trading companies dealing with Japanese building materials such as Fukubi and Tatami were also seen. Makita had a large booth and was a major sponsor of the congress, as it seems to have built up an overwhelming trust in the company as a rechargeable tool. However, most of the venue was occupied by Chinese companies, which seemed to almost monopolise the building materials exhibition. In Thailand, a change in the law has allowed Chinese companies to own land and produce their own factories, and for special, high-quality buildings, it is now common to use Chinese building materials, after an era of Japanese general contractors and Japanese building materials, and after an era of Korean building materials. The Apple Central World built in 2020, designed by Foster + Partners is a cylindrical glass architecture in Bangkok. The curved glass and most of the materials were from China, according to A 49 who acted as the local architect for this project. Knowing this situation made us realise that we need to take all possible measures to maintain the relationship between Japan and Thailand.
In addition to a panel exhibition of works published in the October 2019 Japanese edition of the SDGs Architecture Guide, an exhibition of research activities by the Tokyo City University’s Fukushima Katsuya Laboratory entitled ‘Five Japanese Methods of Navigating the Environment’ was also displayed. The research activities of the graduate students, conducted between 2020 and 2021, are unique in that they take a fresh look at Japanese sensibilities from the perspective of the SDGs. The actual exhibition at the international conference had to be postponed due to Corona pandemic, but this time the exhibition was finally realised and presented in a good location near the entrance of the venue.
*Further information on the panel of research activity results of the Fukushima-Katsuya laboratory can be found in this article.
ASA has been actively engaged in international exchange this year, holding individual and four-country meetings with South Korea and Laos in addition to JIA. In Thailand, Princess Sirindhorn has been promoting consideration for the elderly in various fields, and the introduction of barrier-free policies similar to the Heart Building Act in Japan is being considered. Therefore, JIA presented a book (in Japanese) on the Tokyo Metropolitan Safety Ordinance to the ASA, and received words of appreciation that it was very helpful.
The JIA also discussed the revival of the mutual training system for young architects, which was implemented for four years from 2015 to 2018. As it is difficult to restart the programme in its original form due to strict working visa regulations, both sides discussed the implementation of student interns and agreed to continue discussions at the JIA Tokoname National Congress in November this year.
(International Relations Committee Member FUJINUMA Masaru)